Saturday, February 12, 2011

Waxing Womens Private Parts

La Sombra del Viento by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Column

Daniel Sempere is a ten year old boy who lives in Barcelona in 1945, helping his father in the governing bookstore and talking to his mother every night in the dark believing that despite her death she can hear you wherever you are.
One day, Daniel wakes up in the morning with no memory of her mother's face. His father, seeing him so upset and hurt, he decides that the day has come to take you to see The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, a place that very few people are aware of all of Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba huge labyrinth full of books that one day fell into oblivion. Daniel takes on his first visit to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books a novel called The Shadow of the Wind , of \u200b\u200bone Julian Carax. That book will soon become your favorite, and definitely will mark their lives, as this will give a sudden twist when Daniel decides to investigate the author's identity and discover what's behind your name.

In all my years of reading, I discovered that there are three types of books: those who do not like, the ones you like and like it more than you make forever.
There are few books that have marked me forever, but I know La Sombra del Viento is one of them.
Make a review of a book that leaves a mark so deep is very complicated, because it is not only analyze, but also to try to express everything that the book made you feel.

- I do not know what came over me. No offense, but sometimes one feels more free to talk to a stranger that people he knows. Why is that?
I shrugged.
- Probably because a stranger sees us as we are, not as we want to believe. [...]
- How do you see me for me?
- As a mystery.
- That's the weirdest compliment I've ever done.
- Not a compliment. It is a threat.
- Why?
- The need to solve mysteries, find out what hidden.

first thing that comes to mind when thinking about this novel is Barcelona. The setting of the book is superb, and Ruiz Zafon us back to the city as it was in the forties and fifties, leading us to all corners of his beloved Barcelona. We soon discovered that the city is almost another character, that every day is different , which is always hidden secrets around every corner.
It's not just the scenario that gives this novel a realistic, but also the characters, as tangible as any person could find on the street. Only better. The author has created a lot of characters and not neglect them, they all play their roles, all contribute to the story. And, above all, everyone worked to detail, even the secondary. Elements like these are what make you immerse yourself in the novel are what make you believe that Daniel and the others exist.
addition, with many easy to grow fond of, such as Fermin Romero de Torres, a man who makes us smile every time he opens his mouth, we sometimes a laugh, and many other makes us think with his philosophical reflections on life and society.
Because besides a great job of documentation, under this novel is a witty and intelligent social commentary that will not leave anyone indifferent.

La Sombra del Viento has a strong element of intrigue, leaving many open questions to the end, making, however, this is not precipitated. This contributes to a fairly rapid rate which means we can not stop even for a second reading.
I should also mention the plot itself, the complex body that governs this novel and leaving thousands of branches. The story is simply brilliant, has a vivid imagination and lots of big and small details that make it unique. It's a fantastic story for many things, among which include its variety. Nothing is lacking in this novel, is from intrigue to history, through love, and everything in proportion. It's perfect.

The various love stories that run through this book are beautiful in their entirety. Carlos Ruiz Zafon speaks of a genuine and deep love openly, speaks of freedom. Could not define how you live love in this book, because I know I fall short. My recommendation is that you prove yourselves.

And now the final. The outcome of one of the most beautiful and varied novels I've read today. Do not lie: I expected. But frankly gave me the same. After all the surprises and all the mysteries revealed that left me open-mouthed as the novel progressed, I did not care. I did not mind because I know perfectly well that if it had ended differently, I would have disappointed. I did not mind because it was a beautiful finish. I did not mind because the way Ruiz Zafon narrated, soon to surface tears.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a writer whom I have already read on four occasions, all novels juveniles, although La Sombra del Viento is an adult. Is an author that I have tested and with which he had enjoyed in the past, in some more than others. However, in spite of being in this novel with his unmistakable style, this time it was very different. Different because I've come to the heart of truth, different because I started real tears, different because this time has entered the group of books that are never forgotten. Different because I was in love with a script that shows a clear improvement over his early works, with letters clearly more mature and more beautiful. Because
made me dream of truth.

History Mystery Rhythm 10

9 10
Writing Outcome 10
Characters 10
Am ♥ r 10 TOTAL


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