Friday, June 5, 2009

Where Is Silver Wing Pokemon Shinygold


as you can remove the Chat account Box, because people signed more than 2 times asking the same thing, and then there I learned ...

Asique from now on please call your order in the comments of the last photo ((or
news or suggestions)). Putting this

((try to remember to upload all the photos qe)):

famous name: Example: Ashley Tisdale
Url of your site: Example: You want
Example: Blend and displays
How many: Example: 1 and 2 displays blend
Phrase: Example: agregame a FF's. Reverse seguRaa I 1OO%
Link's of the pictures: Example: put your photos or say that I choose.

Things to do ((LEE that is important))

OO1. Free Blend ((No orders)) [All you can]
oo2. Display
((No Order)) [All you can]
OO3. Things to PHOTOSHOP [All you can]
oo4. Orders ((Blend)) [2 at most]
OO5. Orders ((Display)) [2 at most]

Only do those things. Only that, any doubt say it in the comments of the photo ((!!))


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